Yup that's the skinny me. Oh how I wish I could still be that fit again. But that was ages ago. I'm a mother now, and I'm not obsessed with trying to get back to that size because that's just not me anymore. I have more important things to worry about. And yes I desperately need to work out more often, but I don't let it consume me. Okay so I bake too much too. I just have to accept it for now and try to find the time to get healthy and not worry so much about being skinny.
That's me now. Chubby face and all. And I couldn't find a full body picture because I don't like taking them and I'm usually hiding behind my kids on purpose. hehe Nope I don't look like an athletic coach AT ALL. But just shut up, wait and see. And suck it when you realize that the shape of my body has nothing to do with my knowledge of the game.
Peace out!